Now, don’t get us wrong… we’re all about breaking the rules… but after 10+ years hanging out with all you lovely ladies, we’ve learnt a thing or two about what makes or potentially breaks a hens party. The golden rules of hens parties, if you will. And you might be surprised to know, they’re really quite simple!
#3: You can go your own way
Fleetwood Mac were seriously onto something when they belted out these lyrics… they may not have been referring to a hens night, but they might as well have been 😉 There’s no point in doing what everyone else is doing (unless that’s 110% what you want). Go your own way – and do something outside of your comfort zone!
#2: Plan ahead and plan early
The last thing anyone wants is to have one date/time that works for everyone, but you’ve left it ’til the month before and everything is booked. Believe us, it happens. If you’re not the planning type, that’s what friends and family are for, right?!
#1: Keep the bride happy
We love brides-to-be. They deserve an awesome night, or weekend, or whatever they so choose!